Together we are NSS!

From the orchestral scores to the amazing guest artists we bring each year, to our talented and dedicated musicians, we rely on gifts to the Annual Fund to make the whole North State Symphony experience possible. With your investment we are able to provide four Masterworks concerts, the Explore Music! educational program, Pops concerts, and more.

As the Annie B's Community Drive is no longer a program with the North Valley Community Foundation, the North State Symphony is holding its own fall fund drive, I hope you consider making a donation to the North State Symphony Annual Fund during this beautiful time of year. Whether this is your first gift or you've been giving for many years, your contribution makes a significant impact and helps ensure classical music endures for future generations.

Just click the image below to make a gift online! I hope you'll consider increasing your gift, or making a sustaining pledge to give through the year to the Symphony.

As we continue with the 2017-2018 season, I invite you to become more engaged with me and the music to help us develop new audiences. Bring a friend to the next concert and let me know about it - I'd like to say thank you in person.

Thank you for joining me in bringing enriching symphonic music to all - together we are the North State Symphony!

Warm Regards,



Scott Seaton
Conductor and Music Director