Cottonwood, CA
playing with NSS since 2004
What made you want to be a musician?
My father played the accordion for me as a child, and my mother always seemed to have music playing on the stereo. I don't know exactly when I knew I wanted to play music, but I started playing the trumpet as a nine year-old after being introduced to it in a school music program. I do know that at least one major inspiration for me was my childhood love of the soundtrack recording for the original Star Wars movie.
Favorite genre of music?
If I have to choose a favorite genre, it would be symphonic classical music. But I do enjoy many kinds of music. Looking at my collection of recordings, I have albums from 25 different genres of music. The top three are classical, rock, and original soundtrack music.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not rehearsing or performing?
My other great passion is flying airplanes. I started my flying lessons at age 14, and I have loved flying ever since.
What’s it like to perform onstage with an orchestra?
Playing with a great orchestra like the North State Symphony is a thrill and an honor. And during the rests when I'm not playing, I have one of the best seats in the house to hear my fellow musicians.
Best advice you’ve ever received?
I think the best advise I received was to marry my wife Ann. Coincidentally, this advise came from my girlfriend Ann (who is now my wife).