The Concert Truck

A black truck parked near a city with a woman in a red dress playing the piano with the words The Concert Truck


Join us for this site specific performance at the charming Chico State University Farm which will include food trucks and lawn games. The Concert Truck is a mobile music venue that strengthens communities by redefining the concert experience and making live music accessible to all. This 16-foot box truck transforms into the ultimate mobile concert hall, inviting audiences to experience firsthand how music can bring communities together in extraordinary ways. Founded in 2016 by concert pianists Susan Zhang and Nick Luby, The Concert Truck brings classical chamber music directly to communities. They have toured across the country, presenting concerts in city streets, music and arts festivals, schools, neighborhoods, parks... anywhere you can think to park a truck. Other past presenters include Dallas Symphony Orchestra, The Kennedy Center's Washington National Opera, Minnesota Public Radio, and the Smithsonian. While in Chico they will perform with North State Symphony musicians: Taryn Rosenquist, violin and Treble Cierpke, cello.


  • OCTOBER 6, 2024 | University Farm, Chico | 2:00pm

Buy tickets here



Treble playing the cello

Treble Cierpke, cello

Taryn posing with a violin

Taryn Rosenquist, violin